Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our own personal stimulus plan

It's tough to be in Dayton, Ohio right now. Unemployment is over 10% and going up. Our biggest employers are General Motors, the Air Force, NCR, Reynolds and Reynolds, and Lexis Nexis. You'd have to live in a cave not to know about GM - they just closed all their plants in town - I guess bankruptcy has a trickle down effect. NCR is moving to Atlanta - and they tried to use federal money to move. Reynolds and Reynolds keeps laying off folks or forcing them to take pay cuts. So it's tough to be here. It's also a great town with a great history. You can raise a family. The Wright Brothers invented flight here. The cash register was invented here. The combustible engine was invented here. Hey even the pop top on your can of soda was invented here. And not to sound like Al Gore, but the internet was created at Wright Patt AFB which is ....hmmmm......here. It's great in Dayton....most of the time and we will rise again!!!!

This is our blog about diving into the world of direct sales. This is how we're going to combat the blues ... SELL CHOCOLATE!!! and cable (more to follow) and computer instruction (again, more later). So hang in there while we share our journey into the world of direct sales. Successes (hopefully a lot). Mistakes (hopefully not too many). Insights. Revelations. Whatever. Stayed tuned. We're nervous. Like a lot of people here....we have a lot of good ideas, energy, determination and time so hopefully you can wish us luck.

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